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We cover your risk!

We operate the first platform to match sponsor and insurer requirements – digital and efficient!

Your current daily challenge

Currently, the entire insurance industry still processes all applications for clinical trial insurances in analogue form, on paper and by e-mail. Mistakes and miscommunication are inevitable. Offers are often delayed and the coverage of risks cannot be ensured in time.

Even in studies that already have started, changes to protocols and recruitment are often required. This leads to additional and unnecessary delays. Finally, the acceptance and update of insurance certificates takes days and weeks. With our platform, we accelerate the process down to a couple of hours.

Your advantages

Speed up

  • Digitalized, process on unique IT platform
  • Request non-binding proposal based on draft protocol to receive indicate offer
  • Adapt changes during the ongoing process
  • Request final proposal with a few clicks
  • Speed up the whole process and ensure early start of clinical trials (“time is money”)

Become efficient

  • Paperless, from request for proposal to insurance certificate
  • Eliminate entry errors
  • All fields for mandatory information specified
  • Store all documents digital
  • Provide certificates during audits digital
  • Get your binding proposals from several insurers and sign contract within hours

Stay flexible

  • Adjust protocol/risk profile as needed
  • Adjust number of patients
  • Adjust countries
  • Adjust timelines
  • Changes during trials are confirmed within hours/1-2 days including updated insurance certificates

Our experts

Our team of insurance, life sciences and IT experts, each with more than 20 years of professional experience, ensures and monitors the workflow of the platform.

Our insurance partner